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My Top 50 Artists of 2021

Writer's picture: Michael Anthony Michael Anthony

Updated: Dec 31, 2021

First and foremost, I want to say that this list is part of my personal collection that I have been listening to on Bandcamp and iTunes. I didn't have a chance to listen to everything that came out this year. This year I started listening to more genres of electronic music including synthwave, electro pop, cyberpunk, outun and many more.

The artists I have in my top 50 are ones that released music in 2021 and that I have listened to multiple times. I could have easily included every artist on this website and called it a day, but I wanted to make something fun because there was a lot of awesome music that came out this year.

This is not a competition and is only for fun. There is a lot of music I still want to listen to that I haven't yet. The list is in no particular order, and you can click on any of the pictures to see more information on the Bandcamp or iTunes page.

Ok. Enough chatter let's get it started.

1- PurZynth Rekords has many artists I can put on this list, but I wouldn't be able to keep it at 50. "Messages" started my year off right in music which was jammed with awesomeness starting with "Moving In The Shadows" by Elevate The Sky & Oceanside 85 on the first track. Check out Toxxic Project, Spaceman 1981, Sinuhe Navarrete, Red Industrie, Bling Cobra and more from this label.

2- Czarina has been releasing one hit after another in 2021 and also paired them with films. "Atomic: Ad Initivm" started it off in March followed by "Wonderland" and "Medusa." Her new album will be coming out in 2022.

3- Starfarer released Multiverse which included a combination of multiple artists and their remixes of his music. He also hosted the Synth Valley Twitch stream which featured many musicians doing online performances. Don't forget his own online show which was exciting from start to finish. Plus, The Dark album just came out in October.

4- He's got a French martini in a long stem glass. I loved when I first heard this line on "Page Me." Alpha Chrome Yayo released this album on May 7, 2021, and it was a memorable moment hearing "Oh shit, it's ACY!" More music followed and you have to see what he released in 2020 as well.

5- Melotika released "Crazy" which was the first single from her Dancing Without You EP. It was a fun year watching the EP come into life. I'm excited to hear what Melotika has in store for 2022. Her music videos on YouTube have always been real fun and creative.

6- Eletric Sol released a lot of fun singles and music videos in 2021 including "Why Do We Dance," "Gotta Know," and "Running In Place." I'm looking forward to more of their creations in the new year as 2021 has been an awesome and memorable time.

7- Micomatscenes' album "Back To School" from 2020 is the first album I picked up on Bandcamp. He has had a lot more awesome music and videos come out in 2021 including the "Hot Shots" album. His most recent tracks have a new sound and 2022 will be fun to see what he has coming out.

8- Jnny Cobra released his debut album "Disco Aggro Sessions" in February, and I instantly became a fan of his music. Later in the year he released a track with Dark Smoke Signal as well as another album called "Straight Ballin' The Left Hand Path." Check out his music as it is one of my favorites from 2021.

9- My Bandcamp review for Night Leather's debut album went something like "I didn't know what to expect with this album and it was a good thing." "You had me at hello." Night Leather combines multiple genres that stand out and they have a new album coming out in January 2022.

10- Thorisson had a day named after him in 2021. Thorisday quickly became a fun day for music premieres and videos. "In For The Win," "Neon Skies," "The Thorizone," were some other releases as well as his "Feelin' Jazzed" EP.

11- VH x RR have been releasing solid singles and remixes in 2021. "A Sky Full Of Ghosts" was the first I picked up and listened to the most. They also have "Heavenly Outline," "The Fray." "Shattered Bones," and others you can check on Bandcamp. It has been one awesome release after another!

12- Future Holotape released a new album "Cycles" in September of this year. One of their albums "Dreaming Of Connections" from 2019 was the first album I heard from them after their album art caught my eye.

13- Megan McDuffee has had a very busy year in which she released her debut album "Inner Demons" and also made music for Atari video games. Every week, on her social media, she has been making new announcements as well as posting top secret stuff that she has in the work. Also, she has had collaborations with other artists.

14- Electron Odyssey debuted his album "Your Future Awaits" this year and it has been an awesome mix of genres from the first to last track. This was another debut I didn't know what to expect but was thankful I picked up. I'll be listening for years to come.

15- Cat Temper came out with "Kitty Hate Machine" in June of 2021 and this was the first album I heard from him. The album art alone on his albums are eye catching and fun to see. Furbidden Planet released in October and I'm excited to see what comes next in 2022.

16- Anniee released "Lonely Wolves" in May of 2021 and quickly became one of my favorite artists. She also came out with "Running To You" with Midnight Hi-Fi, "Just Then" and recently "All Is Bright" which became an instant holiday classic.

17- Bunny X quickly became one of my favorite groups in 2021. Their debut album "Young & In Love" was released in October after many awesome singles. One of my goals for 2022 is to attend one of their live shows.

18- Jetfire Prime had 5 different releases in 2021 including "Robot Soul" and "Red." One of my favorites was Robot Soul which I made a mix music video for. He has an awesome discography on Bandcamp that I have been enjoying.

19- Kawsaki released "City Funk" in September 2021 and it is one of my favorite dance mix albums I've heard. His discography on Bandcamp contains a lot of cool electronic music that is both fun and full of energy.

20- Elyxir released her debut single "Mother Mania" in July 2021 and it quickly became one of my favorite tracks. I love a song with high BPM and excitement. "Feels Like Magic" and "Your Loss" are awesome tracks as well that were released after. I'll always pick up anything she comes out with. Hoping for an album.

21- Electronic Ghost Machine mixes together a bunch of different genres which gives him his own unique sound. His "Ghostfinder" EP was the first I heard and caught my attention right away. After this EP, a new album called "Organ Grinder" came out at the end of September which had more awesome beats and mixes from EGM. I'll be looking into more of his discography soon.

22- Bettogh released "Mutas" in May 2021 and it quickly became one of my favorite albums of the year. Bettogh combines a mix of cyberpunk, techno, synthwave and other genres in his music with high BPMs that are sure to excite. He also released a new single "Exploration Unlimited" in December that I've been playing a lot.

23- Jonny Fallout released "Cybertherial" in November which is his debut album and also one of my favorites of 2021. I've enjoyed his discography on Bandcamp which includes even more awesome tracks that have a combination of cyberpunk, synthwave, retrowave and synthpop.

24- She's Got Claws released an anniversary remastered version of her debut album in June 2021. She caught my attention with her vocals and electronic beats in many of her songs on this album. I've just started listening to "Doppelganger" which is her third album and also one of my favorites. I'm excited to see what SGC has in store for 2022.

25- Nathalie Miranda first caught my attention with her video for "Battle Scars" which was an upbeat and catchy song. She also collaborated with other musicians to come out with "Soul On Fire" and "You're Outta Time." Find more of her songs on Bandcamp, iTunes and other streaming platforms. She makes her presence known with her awesome vocals and energy.

26- Eightecs first wowed me with his live set on the Synth Valley stream. Since then, I make sure to check any new releases he comes out with. His music is upbeat and makes you want to dance. "Fiction" was released towards the end of October and was another fun and exciting track.

27- Night Razor released singles and an album in 2021 which I'll always remember. His singles included "Turbo Fucked" and "Godslammer." The album "Bleeding Edge Of Night" is a great listen from start to finish. He has also had live sets and a music video for Godslammer.

28- Eva X released "Machine" in September 2021 with a music video and remixed version. Her new single "Whipping Girl" has just come out as well. I also just picked up her "Electrowoman" CD and love it. I'm looking forward to see what she has in store for 2022.

29- Future 80's Records had some awesome releases from Cyberwalker, Roller Coaster, Cluster Buster, Manhattan, MicroMatscenes and AWITW. Check out all of these artists and releases from 2021 and before. A lot of awesome music from this label. Can't wait to see what's new for 2022.

30- Strange Eyes makes some of my absolute favorite synth pop music. Her album "There's Too Much Beauty In This Beast" released in November 2021 following her other album "Love Story" from 2020. Many of her music videos are very fun to watch as well.

31- Sandor Gavin's singles "She's A Professional" and "Angeline" has been stuck in my head since I first listened to them. Sandor also collaborated with Elyxir on "Feels Like Magic" which is another awesome track. I'm excited to hear what is coming in 2022!

32- Aztec Records has many releases and artists that would take up this whole list as well. In 2021 I've heard awesome music from LAU, Young Empress, Popcorn Kid, Fulvio Colasanto, Thought Beings, Le Cast, Primo The Alien, Hanna, Power Rob, Zak Vortek, Morphoice, Syst3m Glitch, Maxx Parker, Gryff and many more. Shout out to John at Aztec for keeping me up to date with all releases! 2022 will be fun!

33- Retro Reverb Records had some great releases in 2021. I just started diving into their releases but recently heard Honey Beard and Woves who I have been enjoying a lot. There is many more artists to check out on this label and I can't wait to find more.

34- Elevate The Sky released "Ascend" in 2020 but also had more music in 2021. His track with Oceanside 85 "Moving In The Shadows" is one of my favorites from 2021 from the "Messages" compilation album. He will be coming out with a new album in 2022 and I am looking forward to it! Be sure to check out his music videos and discography on Bandcamp.

35- Josie Pace quickly became one of my favorite artists in 2021 when I saw her music video "Pure Morning" on Static Realms. "Underestimated" was released in November with another great music video and acoustic version. The energy she brings in her music is contagious, and I am looking forward to her new album in 2022.

36- Dimi Kaye is an artist I just started listening to within the past few months and I've been enjoying his creations. "Soulkiller" was released in July 2021 and he has a new album coming soon in Janurary 2022 called "Cruising To The Sun."

37- Vvmpyre has been releasing awesome tracks in 2021 with the just recent "Afterlife" with Quelle Horreur and "Your Flesh Is Calling" featuring Neaon. He has also been busy writing awesome reviews for this site and producing his own online radio show. He has introduced me to many awesome EBM and Dark Synth artists plus I can't wait for his new album in 2022.

38- Warpsektor released "Cyberjank" in April 2021 and it quickly became one of my favorite albums. They have had more releases after this album which shows they have created their own unique sound. Anytime they come out with something I am always sure to pick it up.

39- Null-O Band released "Ghost Armada Chapter 1" in August of 2021. Anoth release came after called "Sonic Ghosts" featuring Retrograth. They will be releasing "Ghost Armada Chapter 2" in January 2022. They have also created their own unique sound which I look forward to hearing at every release.

40- Architrave released "Future Ruins" in November 2021 and this was the first time I heard their music which I quickly become a fan of. They have an awesome mix of genres that come together with great vocals. My goal in 2022 is to be able to see one of their live performances.

41- Ghostech released "Rerun Undead Volume 1" EP in August of 2021. Later Chapter 2 was released on Halloween which included 5 more tracks of an awesome mix of genres including chiptune, darksynth and outrun. "Bring Em' On" just came out in December and I'm looking forward to what he has brewing in 2022.

42- Neaon released " A Year To Remember" in November 2021 and as soon as it came out, I was able to listen to the album from start to finish. I said this in part of my Bandcamp review "I was warped into the magical realm of Neaon and enjoyed the ride." I've enjoyed Neaon's music and videos and look forward to see what she comes out with in 2022.

43- Eleonora released her debut single "Postcard" in 2021 and I am looking forward to more of her music in 2022. I first saw many of her cover songs on YouTube and thought she should be releasing her own music because of her unique sound and vocals.

44- Ollie Galaxis caught my eyes and ears on Instragram with many of her videos and music. She released an EP called "Other Planets" in October 2021. I'm not big on genres but think she has created her own which I would call space pop. Many of her tracks are catchy with vocals and beats I enjoy and look forward to more of her music in 2022.

45- Generaction X released awesome music in 2021 and "Midnight Lover" was one of my favorites. When I put on his music it is something I can keep on and play through. He has a big discography on Bandcamp that I need to catch up on from 2020 as well.

46- Lavalette released "American Summer" in August of 2021 which is an album you can listen to from start to finish. Just recently, they remade one of my all-time favorite songs "No Easy Way Out" from the Rocky 4 soundtrack. With awesome vocals and sounds I am looking forward to they have coming out in 2022.

47- Kal-Elle Jagger released two versions of "Wild Horses" in November of 2021. One version included Syst3m Glitch and one with Droid Bishop. Each brought an awesome experience and one that I enjoy a lot. I'm excited to see what Kal-Elle has coming out in 2022.

48- eLxAr released "Looking For The Sound" in November 2021 and they quickly became one of my favorite music duos. The first track I heard was "Synthetic Dreams" which I loved. They also just came out with "Dangerous Getaway" plus have plans for a new album in 2022.

49- Echoberyl came out with "Mother Solitude And Other Dark Tales" in October 2021. I have to thank Vvmpyre for bringing this group to my attention. I started listening to EBM and Darksynth late this year and this is an awesome way to start. I love this album from start to finish and can't wait to listen to more of their music in their Bandcamp discography.

50- Peacecraft released "Afterlife (The Lost Remixes) in October 2021. After listening the first time I listened a bunch more times and loved the mixes of house, techno, trance and synth. He has some more awesome music on his Bandcamp discography that I have been discovering.

Well, that is it. My Top 50 of 2021. This was more of a list of the top musicians I listened to most and a sort of timeline as I discovered them. I could have kept going and going but you can check out my Bandcamp and iTunes collection to see what else I enjoyed.

2021 was a huge year in music for me and I look forward to 2022. Every day I literally find more music that should be on this list, but I had to give myself rules in order to finally end this 2-week project I made for myself.

It is December 31, 2021, and I want to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR as we look toward a new year in 2022. I'll have some new stuff coming to the website and also some new members of the team!

I want to thank everyone for supporting me and the website. 2021 will be one to remember for me as I introduced Pop Art Ave to the world and haven't looked back. I want to also thank Jason Fox, Karl Magi, Vvmpyre, Kal-Elle for their contributions here. I am grateful for you all and can't wait for 2022.

Thank you and Happy New Year!

-Michael Anthony


The Pop Art Ave website has been shut down in May of 2023 but will still be here at this link. IEM Radio plays the many genres of rock, pop and electronic music exclusively on its YouTube channel. Search for IEM Radio on YouTube. 
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