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Rev Wyn

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REV WYN makes gritty psychedelic synth music in the Sonoran Desert. When the virus hit, big things fell apart in REV's life. Holed up with his synthesizers, drum machine and a 4-track tape recorder, REV finally sang a song from his heart-chakra.


REV worked around the clock with a streamlined production method : each track is performed live into the tape machine in complete takes, then the machine itself is manipulated to print the final tracks - no computer editing.

total abandon FINAL digital album art
Rev Wyn
Rev Wyn
Rev Wyn
Rev Wyn



REV WYN makes gritty psychedelic synth music in the Sonoran Desert. 


Nick Cave called him “super-groovy and drugged-out.” called him a “...synth-rock gem in the Sonoran Desert...a welcome breath of fresh air...untainted by imitation. REV WYN has a very charismatic aura to his work that feels nostalgic yet original simultaneously.” 


The Tucson Sentinel says REV WYN "uses the limitations of the 4 track format as a feature, not a bug, harnessing slightly distant sounding vocals and simple drum machine beats under layers of gauzy reverb and keyboard wizardry. The end result has all the charm and nostalgic glitter of a well-worn soundtrack cassette to an old John Hughes teen dramedy blockbuster." 


When the Virus hit, big things fell apart in REV's life. Holed up with his synthesizers, drum machine and a 4-track tape recorder, REV finally sang a song from his heart-chakra. REV worked around the clock with a streamlined production method : each track is performed live into the tape machine in complete takes, then the machine itself is manipulated to print the final tracks - no computer editing. 


A bizarre and wonderful magnum opus coalesced - the "Total Abandon" LP. Exploring themes such as the eternal struggle between the shadow self and the light, the fickleness of the ego, psychedelic mysticism, and the heavens and hells of human relationships, the album plays like a movie from top to bottom - you have to RIDE the Mystery Trip to become Experienced. 


REV steadily released singles accompanied by bewitching camcorder music videos, culminating in release of the full 19 track "Total Abandon" LP in October 2021.

The Pop Art Ave website has been shut down in May of 2023 but will still be here at this link. IEM Radio plays the many genres of rock, pop and electronic music exclusively on its YouTube channel. Search for IEM Radio on YouTube. 
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