A Retro Futuristic Storm on Aztec Island
Here is a mix with over 20 artists and over 40 minutes of their music. Check out these musicians on their socials or music streams.
This is from January 2022 and has new releases mixed with songs from 2021.
Artists in order of appearance (Click the link for their Bandcamp page)
Jnny Cobra “Guess Who’s Back” https://jnnycobra.bandcamp.com/album/...
Rollercoaster “Destroy Visions” https://future80s.bandcamp.com/album/...
Night Razor “Godslammer” (corrected title from video) https://nightrazor.bandcamp.com/track...
Josie Pace “Storm & Stress” https://josiepace.bandcamp.com/album/...
Woves “Flesh & Bones” https://woves.bandcamp.com/album/chao...
Chris Keya & Color Theory “Sinister” https://colortheory.bandcamp.com/albu...
Connor “Total Darkness Remix” https://connoer.bandcamp.com/album/to...
Echoberyl “Salome (Suffer Me)” https://echoberyl.bandcamp.com/album/...
Czarina “Medusa” https://czarinaofficial.bandcamp.com/
Night Leather “Dance Alone” https://nightleather.bandcamp.com/alb...
Vvmpyre & Quelle Horreur “Afterlife” https://vvmpyre.bandcamp.com/album/mu...
The Subtheory “Agita” https://thesubtheory.bandcamp.com/alb...
Ashpool “Analogue Conspiracy” (Remastered) https://ashpoolmusic.bandcamp.com/alb...
GrandBlaster “Black One Piece” https://grandblaster.bandcamp.com/
Cyberwalker “Awakening Of The Mind” https://cyberwalker.bandcamp.com/
Jonny Fallout “Hypnotized” https://jonnyfallout.bandcamp.com/
Peacecraft “Afterlife” (Rouge VHS Remix) https://peacecraftmusic.bandcamp.com/
LAU “Instant Sunshine” https://laufares.bandcamp.com/
Hanna “Don’t Cut Your Angels” https://hannaruamusic.bandcamp.com/tr...
EhRahn& Venmc “Spike’s Song” https://ehrah.bandcamp.com/track/spik...
Tryad “Lost Planet” https://wearetryad.bandcamp.com/track...
Null-O Band "Kor Reaktor" https://null-oband.bandcamp.com/
The r/K Theory "The Storm" Part 1 https://therktheory.bandcamp.com/albu...
Toxxic Project "Espiral M74" https://purzynthrekords.bandcamp.com/...
Spaceman 1981 Featuring Torry K "Ocean" https://spaceman1981.bandcamp.com/
Oblique "Souvenirs From The Future" https://obliquemusicofficial.bandcamp...
All music is available to see on Bandcamp and other streaming sites. Check out my website Pop Art Ave.com for interviews, news, announcements and more from electronic music.